
Fatina Malik

My first step into this business happened before I knew what it was. I was 15, in high school and enrolled in a graphic arts class. I will admit I was what a lot of people would call the “teacher’s pet.” I was always looking for the next thing I could learn simply because I enjoyed the creative process. Being able to get my hands on the tools to make something from nothing was thrilling for me, but how could I have known what that would eventually turn into?

I absolutely love what I do!

I worked closely with a well-known facility in Atlanta and got the experience I needed to, not only run my own business, but understand how to make a client’s vision stand out from the crowd.

That’s how my business, Let’s Get Personal, was created.

It is a business born of passion and a desire to service our clients in a way had not yet seen in this industry. It had all been very cookie-cutter and routine, but I wanted to step outside of that box. Since starting LPG, I’ve done work in the entertainment industry and with all the big corporations you can think of, but what I thrive on is not the who, it’s the what.

What is your print, promo or swag needs? What is your flavor?

What is your personality and how does that feed into the event?

How do I bring your vision to life?

The answers to these questions tap on the shoulder of that 15-year-old in high school discovering how to create tangible things simply from an idea. They tell her to be proud of the work she’s done and the space she’s created for herself to service others.

I am Fatina Malik

– Branded Merchandise Strategist. I work closely with you to articulate your vision, understand what you want and why, and then I take that and create something beautiful. My favorite part of the work I do is seeing my clients faces when they see their vision come to life, and I want to do that for you.

I’ve always loved doing this – a moment that helped me realize I wanted to do this was
my first project with the BET Hip Hop Awards in 2016.


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